Project / Goal
To promote an integrated Water-Energy-Food-Ecosystems (WEFE) Nexus-based scheme for contributing to accelerate the transformation of Mediterranean Biosphere Reserves (BR) towards more resilient and adaptive landscapes to climate change.

Specific Objectives and Implementation
- To promote an integrative (multi-functional, multi-scale, multi-actor and cross-sectoral) landscape management approach by developing and implementing a WEFE-Nexus Socioecological Modelling Tool (hereafter WEFE-SEM Tool) to enhance resilience and adaptation to CC in seven UNESCO Mediterranean BR.
- To integrate the WEFE-SEM Tool into cross-sectoral policies, and development and action plans to provide medium- and long-term actionable information and capacity building for decision-makers, while facilitating long lasting adaptation capacity, especially for potentially vulnerable populations.
- To co-create and develop a Mediterranean network of seven BR demonstration sites (hereafter BR demo sites) focused on promoting eight climate-resilient and transformative WEFE Nexus-based adaptation and mitigation solutions (hereafter WEFE Nexus solutions).
- To assess and monitor the environmental and socio-economic impacts in the seven BR demo sites to achieve more adaptive, cohesive and resilient Mediterranean BR in the face of climate change.
- To promote sustainable market solutions and the engagement of the private sector by developing innovative business models targeting WEFE Nexus solutions while enhancing inclusive economic development and resilience of vulnerable communities.
Work plan structure