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RES-MAB aims to address the pressing challenges posed by climate change in the Mediterranean region. The project focuses on UNESCO-designated Biosphere Reserves (BRs), areas recognized for their contribution and capacity to balance human activity and nature conservation. RES-MAB will establish seven BR demonstration sites across the Mediterranean, transforming them into “living laboratories” for testing and implementing cutting-edge WEFE solutions. RES-MAB champions the WEFE (Water-Energy-Food-Ecosystems) Nexus approach, a holistic strategy that acknowledges the interconnectedness of these vital resources. By integrating WEFE management, the project will contribute to more resilient landscapes and bolster adaptation to climate change. The project boasts several key objectives which include developing a WEFE Nexus Socioecological Modelling Tool (WEFE-SEM Tool) to empower stakeholders and local communities with informed decision-making, integrating the WEFE-SEM Tool into existing policies and development plans for long-term impact, and co-creating and implementing eight climate-resilient WEFE Nexus solutions across the seven BR demonstration sites.


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RES-MAB Christmas Greetings

As the holiday season approaches, we would like to extend our heartfelt wishes to you for a Merry Christmas and…

December 24, 2024